Saturday, September 26, 2009

Anna In The After Life #8: Shaken Up And Down

Charles McCarthy

Orville slammed on his breaks and sent Anna flying off of the bike, over the handle bars, and into a Hollywood Fantasy Tours tour bus full of people. Her sexual energy was still very, very strong, so she gave each person on the bus that she passed through an intense orgasm, ending with Bruce the bus driver.

"That's a deep propERTEEEEE OH YEAH! Give it to me daddy!" he exclaimed in ecstasy over the bus's speakers, as Anna landed head first in his lap.

"What the fuck?" Anna exclaimed out loud, getting up and jumping off the bus.

She looked around for Orville, and found him peddling off in the opposite direction as fast as he could.

"Where'r You GOIN?" she shouted.

Orville didn't reply and kept peddling as fast as he could. He seemed scared. This prompted Anna to look around. She looked, and she looked, but she didn't see anything scary or bad.

"Dang! I'm gonna miss the Master."

"The Master can't help you now," came a voice behind her.

Anna turned to find a shriveled up little woman with dark black hair. Her pigish little nose warbled when she spoke as if she was using every muscle possible in her face when she spoke. She covered her shriveled little breasts and her womanhood with her hands.

"What do you mean, hu? Why not?" Anna asked, upset.

"For thou art an abomination that I shalt striked down!"

"Striked wha?" Anna responded, more confused than usual.

The woman ran at her, keeping her hands over her breasts and womanhood. Anna dodged to the left, but the woman caught her arm with her shoulder, causing Anna to scream out in pain, as she turned to face the woman again.

"Who are you? Why are you trying to hurt me?" she quivered, pain in her voice.

"I am Anna Lee Walker! The founder of the Shaker religion!" she answered with great authority, "and ye art an abomination!"

"Okay...What's a Shaker?" Anna asked, still confused.

Growing angrier, Anna Lee replied very curtly, "A religion that I founded!"

"So?" Anna asked again.

"Sex is evil! EVIL!" Anna Lee croaked out at the top of her lungs, while running at Anna as fast as she could, "I shall destroy ye!"

"Dang!" Anna screamed as she dodged her and ran off down the street away from her shriveled body as fast as she could.

Cars flew by as Anna ran down the middle of Santa Monica BLVD. as fast as she could with Anna Lee right behind her. Her breasts bounced madly as she ran, and the only thing keeping her ahead was the fact that Anna Lee kept her hands over her breasts and wilted flower the whole time, slowing her.

"Get away! I didn't do nothin to you!" Anna shouted.

"Thou art sex and carnal erotica incarnate," Anna Lee preached, "Ye shall be destroyed!"

"But I'm already dead!" Anna shouted back, and then seeing some other ghosts, she started to scream, "Help! Help Me! This crazy Shakin lady's after me!

The others heard her, but instead of coming to her aid, they all ran off as fast as they could from the shriveled little woman.

"There is no one to help thou!"

Anna ran faster, and then the unthinkable happened. She tripped over her own foot.

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