Monday, July 9, 2007

Anna In The After Life #18: All Along The Watch Tassle

Charles McCarthy

The days passed and Oscar seemed very pleased with the things that Anna had been able to remember about her last days. She had been able to remember quite a few things and Oscar was very good at jogging her memory and her mamaries.

The wiener mobile was cruising through Texas now and the planes and plateaus of her early life brought back floods of memories. They were heading for Laredo.

When they arrived in Laredo there were many Mexican people protesting immigration laws.

Oscar looked out over the crowd and shook his head.

"This is so sad, and stupid." he said, "It is always like this though, but I just don't see the point in this. It's as if the leaders in this country don't even remember their own lives, much less history."

"Uhhhh, whatdu you mean Oscar?" Anna asked with perplexed look on her face.

"They want to build a wall. Don't they remember the Berlin wall? Don't they remember how well that worked? And here and in in Mexico we are talking about populations easily five times larger than in Berlin with family and friends on either side. How do they think that this is going to work. The only thing a wall does is make people want to climb it, hate it, and break it down." he declared.


"Dang is right Anna. Dang is right. Stupidity and ignorance are things that will never leave the earth, but to see such stupidity and ignorance in the leaders of one of the most powerful countries on earth is a shame."

"It's too bad you're not still alive." Anna encouraged.

"It is too bad that many of the leaders of the world are not still alive. It is too bad that we ghosts can't do much to influence the world of the living."

"I can." she whined.

"Yes, but most of us can not."

"After I find my killer, I'm going to go to Washington and change the world!" she declared.

Oscar looked at her, "I don't know if one person can do that." he said in a sad voice.

"I have three 'True Hollywood Stories' about me. I can do anything I want."

Oscar looked out the window and then back to her. He smiled and reached for her hand, before answering, "I hope you can."

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