Monday, July 9, 2007

Anna In The After Life #9: A Helping Hand

Charles McCarthy

As Anna flew through the air, time seemed to slow down. She could see the ground rushing towards her, and she was sure that, that evil lady was going to catch her and hurt her. She let out a scream of fear.

"HELP!" she screamed as she fell.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a hand reached out and caught her hand and pulled her up and onto the back of a speeding truck.

She looked back to see Anna Lee shaking her fist violently, so violently that her whole body shook.

"Dang! I guess that's why they call them Shakers."

Turning to see who her savior was, she found herself looking into the face of an angel, her son Daniel. She reached out and grabbed him and hugged him tight.

"Danny! You saved my life!" she cried with joy, shoving his head into her breasts, "What are you doin here? You saved my life!"

Finally she let Danny free from her embrace.

"What am I doin here? What are you doin here mom?" he said with a smile, "I thought you were doin so well. How did you die?"

"I don't know. I'm questin to find my killer right now," she replied excitedly, "Oh! Maybe I'll try to find your killer too."

" killed me."

"Dang? I did? Wha?" she questioned with her head swimming in confusion, "I killed you? Why? Wha?"

"Yeah mom. Remember the aspirin you gave me when I got to the hospital? Yeah, well it was actually methadone," he explained, "It interacted with a bunch of other stuff and killed me."

Anna grew sad. She had killed her son. She was the worst mother in the world. How could she go on.

"I killed you? I'm a terrible mother," she cried, "You should have left me back there.

"Hey, it's okay," he said, hugging her, "Dude, life when you're dead rules! I'm so much happier now. I was just on my way to a rave at River Phoenix's house."

Anna held his shoulders and took a good look at him. He had never looked better. He was happy.

"As long as you're happy."

"I am," Danny responded seriously, and then asked, "Where are you going? You can come too if you want."

"I'm tryin to get to Venice before the sun sets, so as I can find the Master. People keep tellin me that my powers are too strong, an he has to teach me," she explained, continuing, "I have to be able to use my powers, so I can find my killer."

"You'll like the Master," he said, looking around, "You better jump off here. Venice is that way."

Anna looked in the direction he was pointing, and then without thinking she jumped off of the truck. She rolled to a stop on the ground and got up.

"I'll see you later. I love you Danny, my baby Danny!" she shouted to the truck, as it sped away.

Dusting herself off, she started to walk along the road into the setting sun.

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